Saturday, March 31, 2007


No matter how much advancement the world seems to have gone through there is always some conflict in the world. We have put people on the moon and are now building underwater hotels. Miracles of the human mind. The human mind seems to chained to the idea of conflict for the furthering of ones goal. Each conflict always does have to have a goal to it. Nationalist thought is what sets these goals and helps continue it.
George Orwell, the political writer who lived to long enough to see the end of WWII had his thoughts on nationalism. He defined nationalism in his 1945 essay Notes on Nationalism as "the habit of identifying oneself with a single nation or unit, placing it beyond good and evil and recognizing no other duty than that of advancing its interest". Nationalism is still very much alive today and it still continues to hamper the true possibilities of the human race.
Orwell believed that it was a trait that stunted moral thought on the part of the person who has a nationalist outlook. They would be angry about what Germany would do but at the same time fail to see what atrocity their own country has committed. This type of thought does not allow for a realistic advancement of human progress. How can one progress when they fail to see their own shortcomings?
Nationalism about religion and a fixed way of democracy is the nationalist cause of today. America's advancements in science and politics are overshadowed by many of those in power who believe in our righteousness. The area of the world where civilization began is in turmoil over religious nationalism. In 2007 George Orwell writings continue to be as relevant today and they were in 1945.

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